When you purchase a Sauipe swimsuit you are investing in a product that will last multiple seasons. Guaranteed. Of course, we trust you will follow the simple care instructions.
Your Sauipe suit will not lose its elasticity, color, form or shape next season. We stand behind that! And you don't need any special product to wash your suit. Keep it simple, and your Sauipe suit will look just as new for multiple seasons.
It's simple: you will purchase less over time, manufacturers will produce less, and the combined impact on the environment will be significantly lower.
Sauipe is NOT a fast fashion brand. We will never compromise our quality nor our commitment to a healthier environment. Our employees, vendors and suppliers share these same values.
If you would like to share your thoughts, send us suggestions, or would like to receive more details about Sauipe's commitment to a cleaner environment, please email us at info@sauipeswim.com.